IMBA opposes congressional bill HR 1349, which would allow mountain bikes into designated wilderness areas. What do regional IMBA chapters and trail managers on the western slope of the Rockies, and...
Category - News
REI Boycotts Giro, Bell, Camelbak and Blackburn
REI joins the gun control debate by boycotting products from parent company Vista Outdoors, which has strong ties to the National Rifle Association and owns firearm and ammunition brands.
New Utah Law Would Decriminalize Cyclist Bevavior
New Utah law would make it legal to not stop at stop signs, as long as right-of-way to other vehicle traffic was observed
Outdoor Industry Punishes Utahns
When a group of outdoor industry leaders decided to punish the State of Utah—for a land-use policy that threatened industry profits—they set in motion a chain of events which, ultimately, punished...
Close Encounters of the Frequent Rider
Living in any mountain town means you will eventually run into wildlife. Some of us forget our place, and we squeeze activities into tight schedules.